LF Graphics Help

You may or may not have noticed that I changed the theme around here.  I did so for 2 reasons.  I wanted to have the tagline displayed and wanted to be able to add a custom header image.  The tagline is up there but I’m not liking the screenshots I’m taking for the header image, they just don’t look right.  I’m woefully ignorant on graphics design-y type stuff and have no software to even attempt to teach myself anything (I currently use MS Paint to edit all of the photos that go onto the blog). 

I’m looking for someone to design a header for me, I’m willing to give you some kind of compensation (possibly trade services?)  for your time and energy.  I’m looking for a header with something “Wrath”-y in the background (I like Howling Fjord or maybe Wyrmrest Temple) and my toon off to one side.  Hopefully also in colors that will match the theme here, but I chose neutral colors specifically for that purpose.  I just don’t have the time to do this for myself.  If you are willing/able to help me out please leave a comment or send me an e-mail (galadriapriest [at] gmail [dot] com)

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3 Comments on “LF Graphics Help”

  1. Scott Says:

    Sure, I can work something up.

    Do you want some WOW graphics -stuff (Screenshots) using one of those zones?

    You want your toon as an overlay (pasted on top), or as part of the picture?

    Also, what size (dimensions, pixels, etc.) do you need ?

  2. Galadria Says:

    @ Scott
    Sending email

  3. […] 15, 2009 by Galadria My plea for graphics help was answered quickly!  Thanks go to Zasp who writes over at Ego’s site.  Thanks for your […]

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